- Do you have the right sales people?
- Do you know what part of your recruiting process is at fault?
- What’s the cost of your sales mis-hires?
- Is what your sales manager doesn’t know hurting your business?
- How do you know if your sales pipeline is accurate?
- Do you know what caused you to make those hiring mistakes?
- Which of your people are trainable and how much can they improve?
So, what would it be like if you had the answers to all of these questions?
Well, you would have a fully functional recruitment, screening, interviewing, onboarding, development and tracking system. And sales would be rocking!!
There are a number of ways we can help you get there.
1) Recruitment
It is very difficult to find great sales people today. With the proven STAR (Sales Talent Acquisition Routine) program, we’ll help you access a broader pool of candidates that are better qualified. We’ll show you how:
- Sales people are different and what you must do to search for and attract the right candidates.
- To automate assessing and qualifying candidates, stripping endless non-productive hours out of the process
- To prescreen and interview sales people so you can see through their salesmanship
- To have a 96% confidence that you are hiring sales people that will be successful in your company
2) Assessment
Our training philosophy is simple. It is designed in three phases:
- Analysis of current skill sets and determination of desired results. Identification of strengths, weaknesses and more importantly, the hidden weaknesses that neutralize strengths.
- Training – Introducing new attitudes, behaviors, skills and most importantly execution for improved results.
- Ongoing reinforcement for ownership of new attitudes, behaviors and skills; driving your sales people closer to their potential.
There are a number of ways we can help you to effectively transition from the current state to a new model with a high performing sales team that is positioned to deliver the growth and results you require.
Call us to address the gap between the current performance and your goals.
We’d like to help.
3) Sales Force Analysis
To effectively develop the skills of your sales force, it is imperative that you do it right, to get the most for your investment in time and money. We’ll assess your entire sales team, from inside sales support, to your VP of Sales, individually and combined by division or region, and present an insightful, actionable report. This will illuminate the sales strengths and deficiencies within your company. It will identify if there is an opportunity to improve the recruitment or onboarding program, the sales process, sales skills, sales management, sales training, pipeline management, etc. It will also quantify how trainable each person is and their potential for growth, or not…
4) Sales Training
Our training approach is simple. It is designed to build a high performing sales team.
We first do an analysis of current skill sets and identify strengths, weaknesses and more importantly, the hidden weaknesses that neutralize strengths. This is followed by training and ongoing reinforcement to build ownership of new attitudes, behaviors and skills; driving your sales people closer to their potential.
Free Tools
Here are links to a few free tools that you might find helpful:
- FREE – Calculate the cost of a sales hiring mistake
- FREE – How effective is your sales force and how does it compare to others?
Take this 5 Minute Sales Force Grader assessment.